"god damn, everyone that works for the school system are retarded."

Jun 08, 2004 21:50

1. Your name spelled backwards.
seli eus asset

2. Where were your parents born?
cerritos california - mom.
socal somewhere - dad.

3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
yeh right, i cant remember the last time.

4. What's your favorite restaurant?
bennigan's. i only like the sampler, though. nothing else there is worth it.

5. Last time you swam in a pool?
uhhh, i cant remember the last time i was in a bathing suit, let alone swimming. maybe someone should invite the poor white girl..

6. Have you ever been in a school play?
im more of a stage crew person.

7. How many kids do you want?
i dont want any, because i know id be a terrible mother.

8. Type of music you dislike most?
newer country.

9. are you registered to vote?
riiight, and im the one who made that last determining vote for bush. HA

10. Do you have a car?
lets get a lisence first. oooorrr, i could just not worry about that and chill in francis's pimped out caravan.

11. Have you ever ridden on a moped?
once, with my uncle.

12. Ever prank call anybody?
who hasnt? hahah, and i even got caught. weak.

13. Ever get a parking ticket?
see #10.

14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?

15. Furthest (Farthest) place you ever traveled?
across the country.

16. Do you have a garden?
i wish, but no patience.

17. What's the size of your bed?
twin, but im getting rid of it in the next month, and replacing it with a futon.

18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?
i dont know, which ones the national anthem?

19. Bath or Shower, morning or night?
shower, morning (weekdays) afternoon (weekends, when i remember..)

20. Best movie you've seen in the past 4 months?
clockwork orange.

21. What's the next movie you want to see?
fear and loathing.

22. Chips or popcorn?
chips, with salsa con queso. mmmm.

23. Have you ever broken any hearts?
i doubt it.

24. Premarital sex?
if it comes up, i spose. but i'm definitely not doing any of that soon - i'll be at least eighteen.

25. Are you a good cook?
white cheddar easy mac. thats all.

26. Orange or Apple juice?
apple juice.

27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine?
emilee, uno's.

28. Favorite type of drink?
dr pepper.

29. Best thing in the world?
being loved.

30. Have you ever broken a bone?

31. Have you ever won a trophy?
hahha, noooooo.

32. What is your favorite board game?
man, i cant remember the last time i played a board game. probably chutes and ladders.

33. What is your dream car?
an element. or a volvo - the 200 series.

34. Ever order an article from an infomercial?

35. Coke or Pepsi?
either one, i think they taste the same.

36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work?
maybe when i get a job..

37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy?
sour patches. at rite aid. thats a pharmacy, right?

38. Who are you going to marry?
hopefully someone who will treat me right. so far, in seeing other marriages, ive seen no one with such luck. so im pretty sketch about the idea. but i hope to some day.

39. Who would you like to meet?
no one in particular.

40. Do you believe in love at first sight?
i suppose it could happen. it has to start somewhere.

41. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
that first impulse that you get when you see them.

42. Where would you go for a romantic evening?
hahah, pierce's basement, maybe. just because it's my favorite place in the world.

43. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
two. my cons and my old schools.

44. Last song stuck in your head?
"photobooth" deathcab for cutie.

45. Any pets?
just my cat who hates me.

46. What's your all time favorite Saturday Night Live Character?
will ferrel.

47. What is one thing you would like to learn to do?
play guitar WELL. but thats something i just need to keep at on my own.

48. What do you do when you are bored?

49. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
outside. because its night-time.

50. What is one thing you are grateful for today?
im always grateful for everything.
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