he loves his forbidden fruit.

Aug 02, 2004 10:49

i am lonely, and i miss my life.

please, take a second to read and find yours. i did this because you all seriously mean the world to me - i only did this for the ones that really meant something:

1. we met at the geek school, i was in sixth, you were in eighth. you were one of the only "older girls" who gave me any sort of attention, and i loved you for it. i thought you were so cool, and i was sad that we lost touch once you left for high school. but once i saw you in pierce's livejournal, i took a chance, and started tlaking to you again. and i'm glad i did, because now i can't wait to hang out.

2. you and i have probably one of the strongest bonds out of anyone i know. i love you, and no matter what childish things i did in seventh grade, we've continued to be great friends - and i thank you for forgiving me. i can't wait for our future to begin, because we are going to live beautifully. i love you, more than anything - i would take more than a bullet for you. "sipping champagne for a paper cup is never quite the same."

3. you and i met online, and i love you for being so nice. you've given me some amazing book ideas, and so far, you and i have the same taste. i love writing back and forth with you, and its a bummer you live allthe way in georgia, because i would like to hang out with you some day. maybe, perhaps, we can work that out sometime.

4. you and i retards together, and i love us. we've been friends since sixth grade, and we survived both gilbert and fifield together. we ran out of lunch to visit foley and have our "parties," and got notes everyday to skip chorus. we took your breath freshener, and spray it in each other's faces, just becaue we thought it was funny (which it wasn't). we were distillers fanatics together, and we also grew out of that phase together. we walk to seven eleven, everytime we hang out, and we dress down just for the occasion. we video tape each other all night, just because we are dorks, and can't find anything better to do, and think it's silly to go to sleep so early - the night is just begining at 3:30 in the morning! and once we wake up, we film dead squirrels in the road. we are pathetic excuses for human beings, but i love us together.

5. you and i had a rough start, merely because we listened to other people's opinions. but once we got past that, and got to know each other, we realized what we were missing. i'm glad that you could forgive me for my lameness, because i really love hanging out with you. we were "run-aways together" - your mom even called the cops, and we slept at a park for half a freezing night. but we had a good time, and that actually brought us closer - enen though it was the stupidest thing i have done in my life . we are ni-ni's for life together, and our charity runs strong. we have a good head on our shoulders, and we are in love. and we don't like hookers. the end.

6. we are so rad. we write notes to pass under the door that connects the teacher work room and the geometry room, and sign them anonymously by lacey. we dry hump the geometry teacher, and sharpen our pencils a million times per class, because she leaves the answer key to the quiz lying out, right where we can see it. you loved fractals, and wished you could see that video when you tripped, so i made a special livejournal entry for you, just for the occasion. i love you, man. even with your firey red crotch.

7. you and i disagree a lot, but i think it makes us interesting. we aren't afraid to show our opinions on topics such as vegetarianism and people - which always leads to another row. but i think you are a very neat guy, and i look forward to hanging out again. i'm glad you got back in touch with me, because i hope to be seeing a lot of you.

8. you are a great guy, and i'm glad pierce introduced us. we haven't hung out much, which is a bummer, but iplan to sort that out. whenever your insomnia kicks in, and i am in californina, you are there to talk to - mostly about music. you introduced me to friendster, and set me up because i don't know anything about computers. but you did this about a week before it officially died. you were there from day one when i was having my boy problems, and you always seemed to have the right advice. you seriously were one of the most helpful, whether you think so or not. thanks, man. i look forward to hanging out more.

9. we, too, we introduced through pierce, and i'm glad. we had a quick start, and then a sudden stop. but we got back in touch, and i'm glad. we've had both good and rough times, and i enjoy stopping by your work - even if it means a million mexicans following me down the strip. you've encouraged me to do a lot, and i think you've made me a stronger person altogether. you don't know what kind of an impact you've had on me - i've become a better person, and i know where i stand. and yet, you do this without the intention - you don't even notice. thanks, i love you.

10. we have invented crotch berries together, and plan to kill th un-necessaries in the world - which is quite a few. we plan our late night talks every day when i'm in california, and they are the most insane things in the world. we are hardXcore - xXx, and we are also transformers together, because we can be anything we want to be. we are hellboy and hellgirl - even though my sunburn is going away, but we are still anti-sun. we have babies at the beach, who turn into hookers on the corner, and never come home. and we find packets of super cancer at the pancake place on the beach, and you keep it in the heat miser can i gave you. you are one of the neatest guys i know, i love you - more than that crazy girl on myspace.

11. we are going to make a movie of our lives, and it is going to sell like whoa. we go to schools at midnight, to video tape lightning, and have crazy security trucks follow us home. we go to movies that we've already seen a million times, and go out to eat when we aren't hungry. we have our specail rancid song, that we never fail to listen to full blast, singing that one part over and over - off key. we listen to elton john's "tiny dancer" and honky cat" over and over while we drive to sandbridge, simply because we are bored, and we'd never think that it was time to go home. i love you, and i'm glad we're close. i can't wait to stay with you and desi in richmond.

12. you and i have the best sibling relationship ever, and i'm glad. we get bored, so we pluck our eyebrows, nair, and videotape "dry eyes." you supported me even when i was foolish enough to be in love with matt bodony, and you still support me through every thing else i do that is foolish. you understand that i am retarded, and yet you still manage to make time for me. i'm sad that you are going away to college, because it won't be the same at home without you i can't wait to redecorate. i love you, and i can't wait to stay with you.

13. you have probably had the biggest impact on my life. no, you have, without a doubt. you have taught me to be a better person altogether, and you have kept me from straying down the wrong path. even when i defend my side of it, you are always right, and i know it - i am just to afraid to admit it. i love you more than anyone else, and i would do anything to take back anything i have done to hurt you - because i know i have been rotten. but i want you to know that it wasn't anything you had done wrong. you always ask, "what did i do to deserve this?" and there isn't a thing i can think of - you are the perfect person. so i am becoming a better person, i'm am going to make things right. i don't want to make your life harder than it is, because i know that you already have your own problems to deal with - and i should be here to comfort you, like you've done for me all these years. so here i am to say this: i love you with all my heart, and i will do anything to make you happy. i know i made the right choice in becoming your best friend, and in becoming a better person - but i couldn't have done it without your support. you are the world to me, and no matter what he says, you are the best mother in the world.
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