DT and GC

Mar 25, 2008 23:46

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On a bus ride home after dinner....
(1) friendly driver asked in a sort of "hai ya. not again.." tone of speech. "Today got what concert going on har?" Suppose in his returned trip passing by there.. it would have been a sardine packed bus.
(2) heard the "come get  the ticket" calling me for David Tao concert (in Apr 08) over a radio broadcast. Which I grew disinterested over time (for getting pple to attend 2gether and contemplating over the ticket price and seats)
(3) heard a rather nice sad song sung by GC Gary Cao Ge (曹格) - 活着但我不存在 -
*wanted to abbrev. to GG...which immediately reminded me of a DVD that I watched...lol

That's how my tyipcal day goes and may seemed more uneventful over weekend since most of the time I simply slack aka laze about doing nothing. At the very most, I nap my sunday afternoons away...


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