When i can't think..I just spazz out like that ^
today at SCHOOL WHERE ELSE, it was interesting. rachel was mad at me, then she wasnt. then she was..then she wasnt. then she was mad at me AND jessica. then just jessica :). soo..yeah. during social studies me and claire drew pictures for eachother. she's soo much better at drawing mushrooms then I am. and party hats.
in p.e. some people came and we played TENNIS! it was some dude with really really really hairy legs and claire said he looked like a monkey! his name was haffa or something. HAFFA MONKEY! HAHA! he's probably more then half...i suck at the stupid game we played, i got out everytime because i always flung my tennis ball onto the stage. GOD we were like dogs. If we wanted to get back into the game, we had to go fetch another ball with our mouth if we wanted back in. Then we had to show HAFFA that we could roll over and play dead. I decided I would rather collect tennis balls in the corner then act like A DOG.alkjfdasldjf4utjaskldfjasdiofjsaljf4. WHOA HOLY CRAP. when i was slamming my fingers on the keyboard, I shut my computer down right there. OOPS
GOSh i havent really updated and i dont remember what happened the past 2 or 3 days. all i know is that i can go riding if i pay for it. i have like 60 dollars, so that will pay for my next 2 times i go out there. lucky me. i have just chosen to avoid my mom :)
TA TA- oh and thomas is making an icon for me that says "youre not born a winner, youre not born a loser, you're born a chooser. except for david waites, he was born a LOSER!"