Apr 01, 2007 22:36
So this weekend was amazing.
Friday night work and then went to Laserquest with a few of Darko's friends and their ladyfriends, oh man, wow.. I haven't been there in so long I forgot how much fun it is. We were there late at night too so no stupid little kids who follow you around, except this one small group of about 4 gangster teenagers who ran around the maze yelling "BRAP BRAP BRAP BRAPBRAPBRAPBRAP" uh, it's fucking laserquest, who does that, c'mon now kiddies. Then the two of us left, Pizzapizza at 1 am and more sneaking in.
Saturday afternoon went to his place and randomly decided to go to the Snow Patrol/OK GO/Silversun Pickups concert about half an hour before the doors were scheduled to open. Ran down to the Ricoh and got some pretty amazing seats. Also met up with Cat and Leo! Missed Silversun Pickups but we got there right when OK GO came out and they were of course freaking awesome, but I felt bad because he went partially for Silversun Pickups.. Snow Patrol put on a really good show, the lead singer joked around with the audience lots and I got my kiss during Run. "#25. Make out during a concert", check. Oh how nerdy. So anyways, Cat and Leo dropped us at Bayview stn which was really nice of them seeing as it was fucking freezing outside + the Dufferin bus was sketch-tacular. More sneakysneaky.
More work earlier today
And now here I am with a cold coming on, legs sore, eyes sore, head sore, and memorizing skulls for my anthro-mindfuck-of-a-test tomorrow night.