Sep 11, 2005 14:57
OK I didn’t make it to Ohio, the car broke down before i made it to Rochester. I still made the wedding though. Amber and Gerard; best of luck. Anyways things about the trip:
1. We were in the Church when this Asshole says, "Wow there are alot of colored people here!" I politely tell him Amber is half African American. Then i though wow, Ive been calling her father, “Uncle Tom” for the last 20 years. Im an asshole too.
2. Never drink against a catholic priest. Ft Jim kicked my ass. Although I didn’t do my best because it was kind of weird drinking with him; he Baptist me.
3. Trying to sleep on a waterbed drunk is a bigger challenge then I had thought it would be.
4. Nixon called, “Dude I can’t believe you are missing this.”
Me, “Yeah I really wanted that job”
Nixon, “Fuck that! Im eating dinner with two hot twins right now. You know what that means.”
Me, “what’s that?”
Nixon, “Two chances to fuck the same hot chick”
What a dirty old man he has turned into, but I love him like a brother all the same