Apr 08, 2009 21:31
I don't actually know why I haven't been on for so long. I just didn't get on one day, and it faded out of existence for me. But then Marisa and Gaia were talking about fandomsecrets during luch, and I remembered about it.
Then I saw that I haven't posted in 12 weeks. That's three months. Sorry!
So, what have I been doing since then, you ask? Well, for starters, I turned 15, which makes me happy. I'm watching Supernatural now, too, and I'm rather upset we don't get a new episode until the 23rd. Also, I've started ScriptFrenzy, and I'm 28 pages in. I've got two different TV scripts going, one about a werewolf in Seattle and the other about little dragony things called Serpetissa. I'm having great fun with that.
I've been developing my awesome art skills. I have discovered both that I love watercolors and that I'm insanely better at realism than I thought I was.
And that is basically what I've been up to.
No, wait, there was Spring Break. My family went down to Portland on Tuesday, but I had gotten sick on Sunday. So, I had gotten so bad Monday night that I only got one hour of sleep before we left at six. Then, I didn't sleep at all during the four hour car drive. And I got rick roll'd by the radio. So we went to the zoo, and I was rather insane off of my sleep deprivation, sort of like Loreto is, except meaner. It was fun despite that, and then we went to OMSI on Wednesday and saw this thing on Da Vinci, which was cool. We went home, and I think I wrote one or two pages of script. On Thursday, I had gotten a lot better, and Erin came over. She showed me some Tsubasa, and I showed her Supernatural. That was fun. I wrote a little more. Then, on Saturday, I managed to write 11 pages of script in one day. I'm proud of myself for that.
Okay, that is honestly all I have to say now.