Aug 17, 2009 02:04
'sbeen a while.
keepin busy as always, hope you're doing the same.
mad shit
went to all points west festival with laura, ahjy, and a couple of new acquantences where we witnessed My Bloody Valentine in all their live overbearingly loud glory. I dont know if it was the beer, the weed, the heat/cold shift, their volume, or everything at once but i pretty much slowly began to black out about a quarter into their set. I had to let laura know i wasn't feeling well and could barely see and she led me out of the enormous predominantly Tool shirt wearing crowd. The whole time i felt as if i might fall to the ground unconscious or vomit/shit my pants, but i was still digging the jams MBV were searing through, it was the wierdest kind of awesome ever.
also l'antietam is writing again, which im glad to say is still quite satisfying.
me Ahj and travis started playing together again also with this dude chris on drums, just finished up our first song tonight and have begun working on a new one, psyched for that.
playing fallout 3 all day every day...amazingly in depth, its like they thought of everything.
love y'all.