NoFX dont make videos because they are anti-media. Apart from that Franco Un-American one. Oh, and the recent one they made. And, they are so anti-media, they have a Myspazz (thanks
superbagelboy). So that means NoFX quite blatantly are against a lot that i believe in (i know, all of this is old news).
damnit. why do ethics have to be do damned hard to work out? i mean, the number of times i have explained how i feel about music, and the person i'm talking to (usually duncan) points out how i'm breaking my own rules. now, i dont have a problem with being a hypocrite (i mean, who isnt?), but i'd really like to be less of one. but then, i'd not be able to listen to loads of ace music. but isnt that like saying "i hate canibals, but that baby flesh is damn hard to kick!"?
guess i'm gonna have to start accepting listening to music that, to me, is morally dubious (most music), but that i enjoy. i think i can do that, but just not support it financially. for instance, going to fewer gigs of signed bands, and not buying their CDs.
so, yeah, anyone else frantically avoiding revision?