Harking back to the original raison d'être of this journal, I plan to go to a gig tonight with the lovely Ms
faerycake (and others).
Twin Zero, End of Everything, My Mind's Weapon, Friday Night Gunfight
Cabaret Voltaire, Blair Street (down from the Tron)
Tuesday April 11th
Doors: 7:00
I've never been to the Cab before, so should be good. It's supposedly built on Dadaist principals which I'm interested in at the moment, so that should be interesting in itself. It's (i think) the last time the groovy
armyofbastard is playing in Gunfight, so that should be an event, and the other bands are meant to be quite good. Apparently Twin Zero have the ex earthtone 9 frontman. Never really got into them, but maybe this will be different. A night on the Jagners, methinks! damn pesky aardvarks
maybe even pull a review outa my arse at the end of it too