Well my little chickens, it's the time of the week where I deal with the weighty issue of what is going on at the weekend. My lil' sister is up on Friday night, so I'll be cooking her and her boyfriend a nice meal. Saturday will be a chilled out morning, followed by probably the best event this year,
Dentist-fest: the most amazing hardcore (punk) festival this side of summer. Anyone claiming to like hardcore should be in attendance!
So that's Dentist Fest, at 3pm, Saturday, Subway Colgate (HOHO!)
Saturday night is uncertain. I'm going for dinner with my sister, probably to get Sushi (not decided yet), then maybe out? Not sure though because I'm driving down to the parentals Sunday morning and don't want to be too (in the words of
likeneontubing) borked. Sunday and Monday is spent in Sedbergh for my Mums birthday, then back up, straight back into the puddle of shit that is work.