Jul 04, 2011 04:01
All claims have been approved & added to the list of claims. Dropped claims were removed. Inactive claims were removed. Finished claims moved to the hall of fame post.
The following people used their "free" skip for the month of June and must now submit icons for every month in the future or be removed due to inactivity.
hellb0y42, mark_pierre, nevcolleil (both claims), padfoots_spirit, rebootuniverse, red_fairy_only, regularamanda (both claims), sarisafari, swithers (both claims), thilia
The following people were removed due to inactivity (lack of submission for two months in a row). You will have to re-apply and start over if you want to take part again.
ablackmagician, acolorfulguy, closetd0rk, crescent_gaia, pirateveronica, sarah_jones
Currently, we do not have at least 3 finished claims to post voting for. The ones we do have will roll over into July.
+ monthly update