Sep 14, 2012 16:47
Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People.
1. I wish you’d stop rushing me. I can only physically do one thing at a time.
2. Please have more respect for other people’s things
3. You need to learn to relax more. Stop freaking out any time someone does something other than what you think they should be doing.
4. Stop talking for five minutes and let someone else express their interests for once
5. I wish you’d take an interest in some of my things once in a while.
6. You need to learn to have a better attitude at work. Don’t be so rude to the customers.
7. I really respect you and feel like I’m going to let you down.
8. You brought this on yourself and someone needs to smack some sense into you so you’ll stop fucking up your life. I’m tired of listening to you complain but feel too badly about it to unfriend you.
9. Just leave him already. It’s as much your fault as it is his at this point.
10. You can be a little arrogant sometimes.
Nine things about myself.
1. I love psychology to a fault.
2. I’m obsessive about time and get super stressed out with people that make me late
3. I have a hard time relating to people emotionally
4. I have a hard time showing emotions
5. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to pass the Tech license exam
6. Carl Sagan is my role model
7. I don’t care about gender, but ultra fem/ultra masculine people bother me
8. I’ve worked very hard to overcome my dyslexia and get pissed when people harass me about some things.
9. Related to the above point, reading is still an issue for me. Because of my need to focus on single words before the whole picture, I have an obsession with phrases and words.
Eight ways to win my heart.
1. Let me share the things that I enjoy
2. Have an odd sense of humor.
3. Respect my things
4. Have an open mind on everything
5. Have a unique and beautiful style of writing
6. Listen to good music
7. Know how to laugh at the silly things
8. Indulge in the oddities that make up life
Seven things that cross my mind a lot.
1. Where am I going to be in five years?
2. Did I make the right choice for my career?
3. I should be writing
4. I wonder where my old friends are and how they are doing.
5. I should take up music again
6. I’d like to visit Texas again sometime.
7. When we can do the next vacation and where.
Six things I do before I fall asleep:
1. Brush my teeth
2. Drink a little water so I don’t wake up in the middle of the night thirsty
3. Check the alarm
4. Double check the alarm
5. Put my glasses on the side table so I can find them when I wake up
6. Spend five minutes adjusting the blankets so I’ll have adequate foot to head cover ratio
Five people who mean a lot:
1. Noa
2. Virgil
3. Fi
4. Mom
5. In-Laws
Four things you're wearing right now.
1. Slippers
2. Pajama pants
3. Alaska T-shirt
4. Headphones
Three songs that you listen to often.
1. "Burn" by The Cure
2. "Beautiful" by Garbage
3. “Happy Man” by Covenant
Two things you want to do before you die.
1. Finish my two stories for Nano
2. Travel a little
One confession.
1. Men who can sing really high (Suprano, falsetto, nearly falsetto, ect) are my favorite singers.