Here's the second reasoning for why I picked which former for which card. YAY! That's all! Now I can do other things and feel slightly accomplished.
Format is Name, most notable characteristics, brief summary of the card's meaning.
The Cards Part 1Part 2 (you're looking at it)
12 The Hanged Man/The Traitor= Skyfire
- Sacrifice ----- Letting go ----- Surrendering ----- Passivity
- Suspension ----- Acceptance ----- Renunciation ----- Patience
- New point of view ----- Contemplation ----- Inner harmony
- Conformism ----- Nonaction ----- Waiting ----- Giving up
“Is the man or the world upside-down?” He symbolizes points to divinity and that the destruction of self brings life to humanity. He is sacrifice, personal loss for the greater good or greater gain. He has let go of worldly attachments, sacrificed a desire for control over his circumstances in order to gain an understanding of energies greater than his individual self. He has gained a profound perspective accessible only to someone free from everyday conceptual, dualistic reality. He understands the truth because he sees it from a different angle. He is an outcast of society that appears to be a fool, but is actually completely in alignment and integrated. He can also appear opaque and impenetrable to others. He is often set up to make a sacrifice that can either be a good thing or a bad thing, signaling something about the person’s relationship with a partner.
13 Death= Cyclonus
- Ending of a cycle ----- Loss ----- Conclusion ----- Sadness
- Transition into a new state ----- Psychological transformation
- Finishing up ----- Regeneration ----- Elimination of old patterns
- Being caught in the inescapable ----- Good-byes ----- Deep change
It is unlikely that he actually represents a physical death. He implies an end, therefore an increased sense of self-awareness. Sorrow and great pain often follow him, as well as bewilderment or curiosity.
14 Temperance= Soundwave
- Temperance ----- Harmony ----- Balance ----- Health
- Moderation ----- Joining forces ----- Well-being ----- Recovery
- Equilibrium ----- Transcendence ----- Unification ------ Healing
- Synthesis ----- Bringing together opposites ---- Feeling secure
He is sometimes known as Art. He represents moderation, blending or synthesis of opposites. He focuses on bringing balance to life, and compromises between two seemingly incompatible options. He can guide or judge others. He also remixes life, accepting the dead, and decides what re-enters the fray of life. He reminds us of our connection to greater forces. He is unification of the physical and spiritual needs. He represents the unconscious, which can often guide us to a better understanding of ourselves. He is unification. He brings warnings and invitations to prepare for a confrontation with the deepest questions of who we are, who we think we are, and who we will become.
15 The Devil = Galvatron
- Materialism ----- Ignorance ----- Stagnation ----- Self bondage
- Lust ----- Egoism ----- Obsession ----- Anxiety ----- Anger
- Ganance ----- Hedonism ----- Passion ----- Animal instincts
- Sexuality ------ Temptation ----- Lack of faith ----- Vice
- Futility ----- Physical attraction ----- Pessimism ----- mistakes
Self-bondage to an idea or belief which prevents a person from growing. He can also be a warning to someone who is too restrained or dispassionate and never allows him or herself to be rash or wild or ambitious, which is yet another form of enslavement. He is an obsession or addiction to fulfilling our own earthly base desires. He seeks power while he is persuasive, aggressive and controlling. He must also understand that the ties that bind are freely worn. He is strength, an inexhaustible source of energy and while battling gives him strength, submitting is ego-death. While he is an adversary, at times he is our best and only ally. He is all the desires that desire and our drive that makes us hard, warm, and forces us to live.
16 The Tower/Fire= Omega Supreme
- Chaos ----- Sudden change ----- Impact ----- Hard times
- Crisis ----- Revelation ----- Disruption ----- Realizing the truth
- Disillusion ----- Crash ----- Burst ----- Uncomfortable experience
- Downfall ----- Ruin ----- Ego blow ----- Explosive transformation
To some, he is failure, ruin and catastrophe. To others, he is paradigms constructed by the ego, the sum total of all schema that the mind constructs to understand the universe. He is catastrophe when reality does not conform to expectation. He is the epiphany, vision, that life is self correcting. Either one must make changes in their own lives or changes will be made for them. He may hold on to false ideas or pretenses when a new approach to thinking about the problem is needed. He must be prepared to re-examine his belief structures, ideologies, and paradigms that he holds onto. He can represent dualism and the need to smash into his component parts in preparation for renewal. Made of both good and bad parts, he seeks a higher knowledge.
17 The Star= Jazz
- Calmness ----- Free-flowing love ----- Trust
- Tranquility ----- Peace of mind ----- Pure essence
- Hope ----- Serenity ----- Inspiration ----- Generosity
- Thinking positive ----- Joy ----- Faith ----- Regeneration
- Good will ----- Optimism ----- Harmony ----- Renewal of forces
He renews both the material world and the subconscious. When faced with despair and a great sense of loss, he reminds us that we have not lost all. Knowledge, possibilities and hope are still there. He can guide us to a new future. He heals and restores faith, but this can take time.
18 The Moon= Starscream
- Lack of clarity ----- Tension ----- Doubt ----- Fantasy
- Deception ----- Psychological conflict ----- Obscured vision
- Confusion ----- Illusion ----- Fear ----- Imagination ----- Worry
- Romanticism ----- Anxiety ----- Apprehension ----- Unrealistic ideas
Life of the imagination, he is both dreams and nightmares. He goes through a difficult emotional time in danger of losing himself to overwhelming imagery and fantasy. He is faced with displeasure, fears of reality and travels a dark and often unknown path. He has an intellectual light that is overshadowed by unrest.
19 The Sun= Bumblebee
- Optimism---Expansion---Being radiant---Positive feelings
- Enlightenment---Vitality---Innocence---Non-criticism
- Assurance---Energy---Personal power---Happiness
- Splendor---Brilliance---Joy ---Enthusiasm
A child of life, he is renewal and accomplishment. He has attained knowledge and prevailed over fears and illusions of the unconscious. Innocence is renewed through hope of the future and discovery. Self confidence and success follow.
20 Judgment/The Angel= Alpha Trion
- Judgment ----- Rebirth ----- Inner Calling ----- Absolution
- Restart ----- Accepting past mistakes/actions ----- Release
- Forgiveness ----- End of repression ----- Reconciliation ----- Renewal
- Decision ----- Salvation ----- New beginning ----- Hope ----- Redemption
Impending judgment, such as of postponed decisions are ahead. Resurrection or the return of individuals from the past. He is a symbol of life after death. He has a preoccupation with the past while also suggesting a new beginning and clearing out of the past. He knows that judgment day can come at any moment and one must live to the fullest.
21 The World= Primus
- Satisfaction / Repleteness
- Contentment / Good feelings
Ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning again with the fool.