Thespy junk

Oct 03, 2004 13:30

I found some neat monologues that I might be doing for the Thespian Competition

Read them and tell me which is your favorite pleeeze


Heart in the ground

KAREN: Bill is not your family-I am. And Catherine is. And this farm. This is where we belong-We don't belong out there. We're out here. In the ground. We're out here eating away at all your time and attention. And you don't even want to touch us. Jake, this is your family. We're swallowing up all your prayers and begging you to come out here and dance barefoot with us in the dirt and watch the moon take care of everything! And you look at me like I'm stupid! I'm not. I know how lucky I am to be here! And you better not forget how lucky you are too! [Beat.] I got a second chance after Chicago to come back here. Because this is where I belong. And you got a second chance after your parole because you belong here too. And so does Catherine. There are all those traps out there but they can't keep us away. They can't tie us down anywhere else. That moon keeps pulling us back to this place. All of us. We belong here watching the moon raise that corn right out of the ground. And if the moon can pull me up out of the hospital and pull you out of prison, then it's gotta be able to pull Catherine right up out of the ground, too. Stay with me. [Pause.] If you have to send something out to that graveyard, send flowers, or a promise, or an IOU. I don't care. Just don’t send yourself.

Grandma’s House

SHANNON: Oh Daaaaaaad!...Do we have to go to Grandma's house? I don't know what makes you think going to Grandma's house is so much fun, you get up early and polish the car like we're going someplace cool, like the beach. Is it just me, or does her house smell like an old antique store couch...Yuk! And besides that, I'm the one she latches onto, to listen to all her old stories...well, I'm sorry if I can't appreciate her "WISDOM" right now...and Dad, let's face it, even you can admit the lady's a little bit crazy. One day I was going into the kitchen to get myself a drink and I heard her talking to somebody, I didn't want to disturb her, so I was really quiet. She was asking Grandpa how much salt he'd like in the stew,.....and he's been dead for ten years! I mean, come on! And another thing, I'm sorry, but her cooking is awful too...and OH!...OH!...and what was that disgusting stuff she made us last time for supper...BOILED OKRA?...That's just wrong! It felt like a hairy clam going down my throat. It took me three or four sips of Coke after each bite to get it down, and stay down....eeeeew I can still taste it! Dad can't we just skip this visit? I mean, Christmas is only four months away. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if we just called her.....Pleeease!

Getting Even

GRACE: Richard still keeps his wallet in the left-hand drawer. HA!  He always does.  How boring and predictable that man is. You can't imagine how much I'm enjoying this.  From the moment I saw it coming.

From that blessed moment, every nasty little dig, every smug little “oh honey bunny” and other bit of psychological dog crap he tossed at me, became a source of amusement.  Oh, what a relief it is-- after all these years, to be able to laugh at him!

He'd have seen it coming too, the fool, if you and him hadn't been so smug.  The evidence was all here.  (Holds up lacey bra.) This isn't yours, is it?  Size 32 C? (chuckles)

With Richard that's the big giveaway-- apparent abstinence.  Of course I never noticed, back when I was young and foolish. But then,- --I didn't have the example of a first breakup to learn from. There was the case of the mysterious rash of car trouble, or the one where Daddy volunteers for committees at my little Emily’s school, committees with just one member and long frequent meetings. ---Never saw it coming

Amazing man, Richard-- such confidence in his own charms that it never occurred to him to wonder why after all these years I would want to be his friend.

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