Important: New Journals!

Jun 24, 2011 15:44

Hi everyone. I've recently been moving over all the pictures/downloads to new sims journals. From now on, everything will be posted at Lovelyxwow @ LJ and Lovelyxwow @ DW. :) I also have a new personal journal - Skeletonxsong @ LJ. That journal is still friends only.

I'll be adding back my f-list over the next couple weeks (hopefully it won't take that long!). Unless, of course, you don't want to be added. ;) I will no longer be posting here, so please remove YeahYeahJess, Jesslove, or EnchantedPandaah from your f-list if you don't want the clutter. I haven't removed the entries because I'm lazy, but still.

The mastlist is up as Lovely-wow downloads on tumblr.

Thanks you guys! ♥

!please read, !masterlist, !important

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