Hi all! I'm biting the bullet and installing some EPS. Generations, Outdoor Living Stuff, and possibly LN. And since I'm torrenting them until I know that I like them enough to spend the money I don't have on them, I have a question
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Nope, don't use that one either. Patch Downloader does it for you! And I don't start the game with the launcher. I have a un-cracked game, and I use the no-CD crack instead and a shortcut to the .exe instead, because I've run into so much grief over the months, when I wanted to install a new game with the cracked .exe. I could never find the original! And I would basically have to reinstall.
I do install certain content with the launcher, like certain patterns, counters, and lots, because otherwise they can bug up your game, but the rest I try to download in package form, and I merge it into the big packages after it's been sitting i my game awhile, causing no problems.
Can I ask if you use the EA Download Manager then as well?
I do install certain content with the launcher, like certain patterns, counters, and lots, because otherwise they can bug up your game, but the rest I try to download in package form, and I merge it into the big packages after it's been sitting i my game awhile, causing no problems.
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