ILU Anon! I think I walked around all night grinning like a total fool. Thanks so much, it made my night when I read it, seriously. ♥ And Coldfire is just win, I'm so happy for her too. :D
So, I survived the first week of school. Whoa. Totally failed the first Gross Anatomy test...but as my teacher mentioned four have passed the first test in twelve years, I'm not going to cry over it. :D We've named our old pal Mr. Mole, thanks to his strategically placed mole on his erm....lower half. Like idiots, we crack up everytime we mention his name.
I'm not sure why I was magically thinking I'd be making friends or the like. It's only been a week, but I've been trying. I actually talk to people and not just because we're supposed to. I'm just always the odd person out and I'm not sure why. It hurts to see all the other girls on the other side of the room bonding and laughing. I'm not sure why I always come out invisible. Heh.
How is everyone else??