May 11, 2010 21:26

I'm doing the new Rose mesh, what do you guys think? In Pooklet's prettyful new textures/actions, of course. I did an alpha edit, to get rid of those yucky wisps.

Before Alpha Edit.

After alpha edit.

There is an issue with the mesh...it seems to be two parts on the bun, if you know what I mean. I've tried several things with it and it won't work...it shows the same with Rose's original textures too. I think it's less noticeable in game and with darker textures, too.

Next up, two dresses!

This dress is an edit I got off GoS. It originally had wedges, but the flats do indeed look less awkward in-game. I was going to do some simple recolors of it, but I'm unsure about the shoes. Should they be the same color as the dress, or does that look too weird?

And then there is this Neena_Needle's dress. I kind of like it better without the buttons, but it doesn't really have any shading or anything on them, so.....yeah.

Thoughts/suggestions/criticims welcome!! :)

sims, pictures, wip

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