Super Secret Santa-ing!

Jan 29, 2010 01:23

Pic spam!

Since he's already received everything and replied back, my SSS was Pyschosim. And he has no problem with sharing! :D I was hoping he would post pictures in the SS thread (why yes I am shallow) but he hasn't yet and I won't bug him with it. ;) He did mention that he grungified up the Russian posters a bit, so if he shares those, I'll post them. :)

That whole Post-Apoc has a really good feel to it. ^_^ You can download it all here. There is a read-me included.

Aaaand I realized I never posted pictures of my actual Secret Santa! Shame.
Petchy was my SS and he received:

Being his SS seriously tempted me to go Maxis Match. ^_^

If you'd like it, he posted it here. :) There is a read-me included.

sim spam, sims, downloads objects, downloads clothing, pictures, downloads, secret santa

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