Jul 29, 2003 11:46
yeah, life is good. I am at the library right now on their computer. Work is...uh...insane. They have me on schedule for an insane amount of hours this week. I figure that they are loading it on since I have to leave in two weeks because they know that they only have two weeks to abuse and humiliate me. Ha, great bosses, ne? It is a fun job, overall. I think, now that the time to leave draws nearer, I will probably miss some things and people from up here. Although, the one thing that I will not miss is my severe lack of good clothing and the endless supply of food at my house back home.....;;drools;; Anyways, I worked 9 to 11 this morning and I have to go back tonight and work 5 to close, which means I probably won't get out until after 11. Yeah, I don't know why I am rambling like this, I don't have much to say. I think I will go home and shower and lounge about in my robe and watch Sailor Moon once Matthew gets home. Later! Ta taa!!