Hey, anybody know what the fuck is up with the art room? I've been trying to get in for like, days, but it's always locked. Meanwhile I'm bored as shit and out of pencils.
[Private to George Crabtree]
[After some digging on the network, Jesse has figured out who Hoffman's warden is, by virtue of the very sneaky and cunning post where George flat-out said he was in public.]
Hey, look, you don't know me, but you're that guy -- Mark Hoffman's -- warden, right?
[Private to Amanda Young and T'Pol, separately]
You said... you've been clean for a while.
How'd you stay off for so long?
[Private to Mr. White]
How you feeling, man?
[Private to Claire]
Happy Thanksgiving. We still on for tonight? Maybe you can use your Warden powers to hook us up with some pie.
[Private to Sarah]
Yo, holiday weekend. What's the plan for Sunday? 'Cause I could go for some Chinese, if we got it.