[Jesse looks, if not murderously angry, definitely at least beat-the-crap-out-of-someone angry.] Anyone out there know where the fuck I can find Richie?
[Richie looks almost as pissed, only more restrained, he's more...seething; he's not twitching, which is pretty much a danger sign when he's this ticked off.]
What the fuck, asshole. Ports don't fucking count and I didn't DO anything to her anyway. Then OR before OR since; she SAID no, I can HEAR. [...Although not for lack of trying.]
And I'm not fucking PSYCHO either. [He almost denies the rapist thing too, but. It's on the books officially, it's kind of pointless to deny it even if he disagrees.]
[Jesse's... pretty careless and stupid, but not so much so that he doesn't pick up on that noticeable lapse. He sneers, furious and disgusted.] Ah-hah. Rapist.
You just keep the fuck away from Claire and maybe we won't have a problem.
It's not...it's not like that, so just shut the hell up. You weren't there, you don't know. It was fucking bullshit.
And anyway, how the fuck did you even know, it's in my FILE.
[Ohhhh will he have Words with Will.]
No, we're not gonna have a problem 'cause you're gonna keep your fucking nose outta shit that's not your business. It's not like that. We're just friends. That's it. [Hey, her words. IT'S TRUTH.]
[He starts to correct Richie -- because, really, those were not difficult dots to connect -- but stops himself. Mr. White wouldn't correct him. Mr. White would let him stew on that, get twitchy about the file. So Jesse just flashes a smirk, one that's less a smile and more baring his teeth, and shrugs.] Guess I just... knew.
And I'm making it my business. Right now. You wanna be friends with her? Then I'm gonna be on your ass every second until the day you graduate or disappear.
What the fuck, asshole. Ports don't fucking count and I didn't DO anything to her anyway. Then OR before OR since; she SAID no, I can HEAR. [...Although not for lack of trying.]
And I'm not fucking PSYCHO either. [He almost denies the rapist thing too, but. It's on the books officially, it's kind of pointless to deny it even if he disagrees.]
You just keep the fuck away from Claire and maybe we won't have a problem.
And anyway, how the fuck did you even know, it's in my FILE.
[Ohhhh will he have Words with Will.]
No, we're not gonna have a problem 'cause you're gonna keep your fucking nose outta shit that's not your business. It's not like that. We're just friends. That's it. [Hey, her words. IT'S TRUTH.]
And I'm making it my business. Right now. You wanna be friends with her? Then I'm gonna be on your ass every second until the day you graduate or disappear.
[With a warning edge; the kind that implies that all manner of horribleness might happen if he insists on it.]
But...Come on, he fucking started it. Did you see the shit he was saying?
He called me PSYCHO. I'm NOT.
AND. You fucking TOLD HIM. You showed him my file! What...why would you DO that?
[So hurt. Never mind that the accusation makes exactly zero sense.]
[Oh he's so not doing this here. Not on the network.]
My cabin in five minutes. Clearly, we got some catching up to do.
[Communicator switches off. To be continued in Will's post!]
Jesse is sort of inordinately proud of himself right now. c:]
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