04 [Video]

Sep 27, 2011 12:01

Yo, what the hell is going on out there today?

I keep hearing the word "flood," but I thought that meant, you know, with water? But now everyone's talking about sex like you've all been roofied or something. So, what, flood means sex?

I didn't even know we were allowed... uh, nevermind.

Anyways, I am now ignoring your asses, because this is way more information than I want on... most of you.

[Private to Claire]
[He holds up a picture.] Look what I found.

[Private to Arya Cat]
Do me a favor and don't listen to what anyone is saying. Jesus, it's like a porno out there.


[Private to Narvin]
I need some time off. Sick.

[And now Jesse's communicator is going off, his door is getting locked, and he is IN HIDING, YO.]

warden claire, flood, wtf life, talking to ___ is totally normal now, cheerfully illiterate, jim asks too many questions, mr. narvin boss sir, jesse pinkman: failing to save children , superchrome

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