(no subject)

Oct 16, 2003 09:49

So just when I thought there were people out of my life and I had totally moved on, they come back. Read ahead...

Him: hello
Me: hey, who is this?
Him: curious how you shut me out of your life without letting me know first
Me: who is this???
Him: Cory
Me: oh hey
Him: hey indeed
Him: meh
Him: I understand
Him: I treated you badly for a while there
Him: corys sorry
Him: :-(
Me: yes you did
Me: so...
Him: yeah....
Him: I miss you
Him: for honest
Me: you do??
Him: yes
Him: we were really close
Me: yeah
Him: so how aboot unblocking beatbox effex
Him: YAY
Later on...
Him: I really am truly sorry about how things went down

I have to give him props for actually sounding like he has matured a little. He has a job, he is thinking about coming to UF, and he ACTUALLY apologized this time. I also have to give him props for seeking me out because I think that shows he wanted a friendship with me still...unlike a certain roommate he lives with ((glares)) *cough Andrew cough*. I don't think I will ever get as close with him as before, but at least he tried to smooth things over, I guess it just took two months. I seriously thought I would never hear from either of them again.
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