Nov 21, 2005 14:11
i bought a pair of crooked reading glasses today, my ears must be uneven.
and F-ING MOTHER OF PEARL i had no idea how bad my eyes were. reading was SO much easier today. for a while it's been harder for me to focus my eyes and really small font would kind of blend together. i was reading murakami today and couldn't understand a word of it. i finally gave in and bought a pair of reading glasses from the dollar store. oh man, i was like hiding them from my mother, she would FLIPTHEFUCKOUT if she knew my eyesight was going. she'd like ban me from watching television and take away all of my books and forbid me from using really small pen nibs. and you think i'm kidding if you don't know my mother. so i figure i'll just hide them for a month, i usually only read at the mall anyway, and when i'm in chicago she'll never know and i'll probably be able to afford a nicer pair than this cheap thick plastic dollar store emo pair i have now.
and they're crooked and make me want to turn my head sideways when i read.
i need a new cell phone, i'm starting to think that my phone isn't telling me when i have calls.
it's almost december, says my livejournal. and i could go for some snow and cold weather.
i'll be down at the beach all this week and i'll be there alone. i guess i could use the time to myself. august is going to be my UBER goodbye month, heavily saturated by friends.