Jan 02, 2005 01:54
Hua.. Well, its the new year... So far, its good lol.
I was looking back at some old AIM convos from a couple months ago.. about friends and stuff and i was miserable. completely miserable. Well, I can say now that i'm not and I have relized I have plenty of friends. So thanks to anyone who listened to my crap and stuff, especially Nicole.
This year I actually have a couple newyears resolutions. Hopefully I can keep them. So far so good.
What do you do if you wind up doing something that your happy you did, wasnt a bad thing, but then are stuck with a few of its consequences.. or more like, sideeffects?... idk...hmm
I hung out with someone recently who I havent hung out with in a while and now i'm fucked. lol - kinda.
It's great how you can wind up doing something with a person you havent really done anything with or talked to much in a long time, months, years, and its liek you never took a break.
The world is one fucked up place
I'm gonna try to make this new year that much better than last.