Jan 26, 2005 15:20
Full Name: Aron-Josef Remi Trebaux/Watterson
Nickname: AJ
Age: 17
DOB: July 2, 1987
Born in: Mont-de-Marsan, France
Live in: Tucson, AZ
Grade: Senior at Sabino
Height: 6’1”
Shoe size: 12
Hair: Woo…black
Eyes: blue
Piercings: none right now
Tattoos: None yet
Color: tan
Number: 153
Drink: Absolut Vanille
Candy: Kit-Kats
Sport: I don’t do sports
TV show: CSI for some reason
Movie:Gah, I don’t know
Cartoon: Aladdin lol,
Restaurant: Any good Chinese place
Ice cream: deep dish apple pie, from dreyers
Game: Stratego
Band: N*Sync woooot
Scent: Cucumber Melon
Day of the week: Jeudi
Month: May
Season: Spring
Holiday: Um….MLK Day ?
Store: TARGET!
Shoes: I have some K-Swiss I like…..
Jeans: JNCO
Pizza: XTRA Cheese
Sub: eegees roast beef with ranch
Song: dunno…..
School subject: Orchestra/Music Theory
Animal: Souris
Magazine: um…Nick Mag…lol
Catalog: none
Potato chip: sour cream and chive
Cheese: Asadero
Radio station: 92.1
CD: “Inquisition Symphony” Apocalyptica
Jello: green..lime
Cereal: apple cinnamon cheerios
Pepsi/Coke: pepsi
Pen/Pencil: Pencil, if it is mechanical otherwise a pen
Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla
Sweet/Sour: sweet
Sugar/Spice: Sugar
Day/Night: Night
Rap/Rock: Rock
Pool/Beach: both
Cuddle/Kiss: cuddle
Love/Lust: Love
Cat/Dog: cat
PB/Jelly: together
Hamburger/Hotdog: Hamburger
Righty/Lefty: Righty
Bikini/One Piece: bikini if I can fit…{00}
Flip Flops/Tennis Shoes: Tennis Shoes
Real World/Road Rules: NEITHER!!!
McDonalds/Burger King: neither
Cheese/Crackers: Cheese
Top/Bottom: um…dunno
Truth/Dare: both
Single/Taken: single
Innie/Outtie: Innie
Sing/Dance: Sing
Early/Late: late
Pink/Purple: Pink
Girls/Boys: boys
Childhood crush: Aniece Laramie
Real crush: I don’t wanna say…..cause everyone thinks she’s a whore…
Boyfriend: none
Kiss: Danyelle Harot
True love: Haven’t been in love yet
Person you talked to on the phone: Marisol
Person you spent the night with: Dan
Person you hugged: EMILY!!!!!
Person you kissed: Jen
Person you danced with: Cassie at her BDAY
Time you laughed: This morning
Time you cried: last night
Movie you rented: White Chicks
Movie you saw @ the theater: Um….spongebob I think
TV show you watched: Angry Beavers
Dinner out: Monday, had Casa Molina
Concert you went to: The Bled at Skrappy’s…lon time ago
Thing you ate: French Fries, only baked
Thing you drank: a pepsi with some cream
Thing you bought: a cheescake
Time you showered: about an hour ago
Rollercoaster you rode: um….im scared of roller coasters
Shoes worn: work shoes
Person you saw naked(besides yourself): my neice Amelie, shes 2
Person you did something illegal with: Rachel and Serena
Do You
Smoke: used to
Drink: yes
Hate yourself: often
Believe in love: yes
Have a crush:yea
Go to church: yep
Wish on stars: shooting ones
Believe in miracles: yeah
Exercise: hahaha me??
Sing in the shower: oh yeah lol
Make the first move: I’m afraid to
Play in the rain: yep…today lol
Believe in love at first sight: no
Bite your fingernails: sometimes
Keep a journal: yeah
Get motion sickness: not really
Want to get married: yes
Plan to go to college: pima then SCI
Have you ever
Broken a bone: yea
Been in a fight: yes
Gotten drunk: yes
Had sex: virgin
Had your heart broken: yeah
Broken someone's heart: not that I know of
Stolen something: Yes
Lied to someone you love: Yes
Been to band camp: yep
Flown in an airplane: yeah a couple times
Rode on a firetruck: yea
Skipped school: umm…maybe
Been in an accident: yea
Traveled to a foreign country: well, the US was foreign to me, and to 9 others
Written a poem for the person you love: yes
Drooled on yourself: dozens of times
Spun in circles until you got dizzy and fell down: duh!
Laughed so hard you p*ssed: I try not to
Cried at a movie: possibly….(yes)
Been to a funeral: yeah
Swam in the ocean: yeah
Almost died: no
Kissed someone of the same sex: yes
Failed a grade in school: no
Ran away from home: yeah
Had a black eye: No
Had braces: yeah
Had surgery: yeah
Worn glasses: yeah
Been suspended from school: yeah
Just Kisses
Age of your first kiss: 17
Where did your first kiss take place: At Erics house
Where did your last kiss take place: ummmm…dunno
Most romantic place you've kissed: in a car
Least romantic place you've kissed: I don’t know
Last person you kissed: TAylor
Best kiss ever: only had one
Number of people you've kissed: 1
Who is
The cutest guy you know: hmm….not in the I likeu way, but the aww.,…heheh kyle
The finest guy you know: ?
Your loudest friend: Kristin! By along shot
Your nicest friend: emily
Your funniest friend: kyle
Your most hyper friend: Kristin
The person that knows you best: sara and marisol
Your friend you've known the longest: sara
Your friend that's like family: marisol and emily and becky
The friend you would trust the most with your secrets: marisol, kyle and emily
Your best girl friend: marisol and ems
Your best boy friend: um. Dunno…maybe someone but I dunno if they are friends with me
Your friend that nurtures you the most: emily
Your friend that gets in the most trouble: MARISOL VASQUEZ!
Your craziest friend: kristin
Your friend that lives the closest to you: shana
Your friend that lives the farthest from you: emilee and lauren….who I love and miss every single day
The end
Current Date: January 26, 2005
Current Time: 3:19 pm
What you're wearing: MASH shirt and pj pants and socks
What you're doing: eatin’
What you're thinking: Does he think I’m obnoxious? I hope she likes it. DO I want to work tomorrow?