Jul 02, 2005 17:26
Well guys..summer has been the best. Ive basically had a blast. wow..yesterday i lost my phone at the fireworks and i was crying soo hard and like megans entire family helped me try to find it, and we failed..:(. i feel bad, they all helped me. Then in the morning we went back (me and my family) and looked again and still didnt find it. BUT THEN when we got home, my brother called (from my daddys house) and said some guy called saying he found a phone and that he found it where we were at the fireworks, i sware i got soo happy. So now i get that back..on tuesday.
Okay..well now I am gunna go, im going to megans while my family goes to my aunts party, im telling you my aunt is a par-ti-errr..she will never grow out of it i sware. I would go, but i'd be all by myself. Okay soo yes, tomorrow im going to ohio fo' sho. but dont worry, its not for long because me and my mom and loryn get sick of the ohio peoples crazy accent..lol. but yeah, i think kelly is staying there for like a week, then we will go pick her up..(its only 3 hours away). But yeah, i gotta go.
Megan is my best friend, you should all know that by now.