Holy fucking shit, Thanksgiving was amazing. I don't know why, but it rocked pretty god damn hard.
I saw my mommy which was AMAZINGGGGGGGGG!!!@#@%^457687
Hung out with a bunch of random gangstas.
Crunked it up a lot.
Snowed it up!
Got my camera back.
Had some fucking rock hard fun
And you know fuckin what? Here's FINALLY some pictures. My room, my homies, my drunkenness, and Thanksgiving partayz! Enjoy or I'll kill you.
First and foremost, my room. Or Hell. Where I live with Abigail Kathryn Carr.
Welcome to Hell! My bed's not made.
And that's my wall decor.
And that's mine and Abby's beds, with the Hell Wall in between.
And on this wall are exciting decorations, such as the "body found along road in Waterford" article, and some Jesus pamphlets, and my mitten that was ruined in the wash, and some poems found in bathrooms and recreated.
And a lot of whale watching brochures, and letters from our teachers, and other things that are ridiculous. Like that lamp we tore apart and threw on our wall.
More wall decor! Fill in the blank.
And oh my god, best part. The wall opposite the Hell Wall is a shrine to serial killers. It's more rawk if I don't explain why it's there.
Oh and when our room was actual Hell, when we went insane for a week and tore shit up, it looked like this.
And this.
And this!
And HOOOOOOOOLLLY fucking shit, this is the pride of my life. I carved a UNICORN. into my fucking JACKOLANTERN. This is what I go to college for. It's fucking beautiful. It's fucking amazing.
My baby.
The one with the knives in it is Abby's. We are obviously both very sane.
Oh and I thought this was hilarious. We didn't have a Facebook until a month through this year, and this poster was in our stairwell.
And that's the view from my window when it's raining. By the way, we live directly next to the police station and town hall. We hear the cops' conversations all the time.
And that's my fav beach! That's Abbott St. beach which is like 3 blocks from my place. Thats a bad pic of it though. I'll get better ones when it snows.
And this is me with my sick ass whelk belt!!!
And here she is with Kathy, the Hellcat forged from the fires of Hell who protects our room from evil spirits from the graveyard we live on. By the way, we live in a graveyard.
Oh look, here she is again. ATTRACTIVE?! LOLZ.
And here she is where she fell asleep on our floor.
And here we are drunk on Travy Trav's floor.
And CHAMPAGNE?! Hey, I almost died that night.
ANNNDDD on the floor.
Annnndddd... Travis England.
Haha and that's JayJay in the blood (my RA) and Sarah on the right (other roomie).
And here's JayJay on her 21st birthday. Wasted. On my bed. And wasted.
And at her dead birthday party!
And me and JayJay's boyfriend Peter with makeup on. Burn.
And FINALLY here's Thanksgiving! They're all on photobucket, under "h-bomb_3" in the drunkies album. I'll select some precious ones.
We'll start with Dan McClure doing a kegstand.
And Alden doing one! Bad pic, sorry.
And here are all ones from Dan's party on Friday. It was really random, but really fun for some reason, don't know why. Maybe cause I was drunk.
Min and I thought it would be a good idea to have a pre-party sober picture. AREN'T WE CUTE?!?!?!!?
And Ambz showed up!
And AMBULAR was there!!!
And now we're sad.
And Alice was thereeeugrtdsrygisrugiygLG!!!%#$^%&^*
And Bambz making the best face evar apparently.
And wtf who took this
And man, drunk happenned.
And Mandy was there?
And hahaha, when did Natty Ice happen?
And ummm best pic evr?
And the aftemath.
Annnnndd the end. Of life.
And the rest is on Photobucket!
And in the words of Ab-Lounge, TAKE IT SLOW, BABY GIRL!