Mar 12, 2007 22:23

hey everyone!!!

for those who don't know, I'm in berlin. and as per its usual retardedness, my computer can't grasp the concept of being able to open a webpage using a network it is connected to. so. internet cafe...sort of my friend, but don't expect to hear from me much.

(for RP people, this means I will NOT (or rarely) be tagging; I've contacted the mods of both games letting them know this might happen and hopefully they consider me on haitus. please be understanding...i was HOPING i'd have more access.)

so. lots of stuff happened today. no time to describe it. so. bits of useless information:

1)the germans switch the y and z keys around. this messes with me much more that one might expect
2) already got kinda groped tonight. ironically, it wasn't while i was walking alone for hours in the twilight/dark.
3) food i've had: greek, indian, italian...and MAYBE german. i honestly think breakfast might have been all regarding that. hello, cosmopolitan city!
4)there wre records for sale in front of the university. amongst the way-too-plentiful Mozart...a black background with white text: "BITCH BETTA HAVE MA MONEY" i'm so curious, but we had no time, and my grandmother probably wouldn't appreciate.

i've got to go. happy trails, everyone!

geeky glee, berlin, rp

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