Aug 01, 2006 12:07
in other news i've switched to Firefox because IE was getting more and more broken. Crashing just as i was about to post a beautiful wrap-up for a MS log, forcing me to reconstruct it like Humpty-Dumpty's egg, was the last straw. I muchly love the tabs. so nice. now if only i could find something for Windows that will do that for IM, I will be one happy camper.
Also...another successful adventure in Paint turned the not-very-Touseny-but-still-pretty-good pic goro gave me into a cool icon! I be proud of myself. That most of the cool effects are inexplicable, as they seem to have just appeared without any actions of my part, just makes it cooler. Perhaps the icon is immaculately conceived by the graphics gods? I don't know.
Incidently, I've decided "Wish You Were Here" is a good theme song for a corrupt yet righteous blind judge. i mean, really... it starts out "So...So you think you can tell/ Heaven from Hell" i feel that this fits. i'll have to incorporate into some horrible depressing moment of disillusionment somewhere along the way.
mother's precious cleaning service is coming today. i don't see the point of paying for someoen to clean our house if leaks and landscaping and such are draining our finances, but WHATEVER.
oh yeah. it's my parents' anniversary today. we usually do something special for them, but this time we only got a card, and only because we were stranded somewhere for hours waiting for brittany's boyfriend's friend's band to play at Screwy Louie's, which wasn't til midnight. This was also the night i spent over 100 dollars at Kohl's because it was open. Brittany owes me over 30 dollars and a phone charger now. racking up quite a few debts, she is. she's lucky bryan makes so much money and is chivarlraic enough to never let her pay for anything. *witholds comments on this*
anyway, to the anniversary. 26 years. I kind of wanted to get mom a consolation gift, but i don't think anyone would appreciate my frankness. and i'm lazy.
geeky glee,