Okay, I'm thinking after tomorrow this experiment lasted a week (kind of...I think I deleted some super-boring days). When I next remember, this whole loudtwitter thing is stopping.
- 23:15 I was wrong about ice but right about eggshells. They NEVER TURN TO GOO like other things. Fine for disposal itself, bad for pipes. #
- 23:17 I had....a lot of coffee. It was delicious. Too wired to do anything useful now. Whoops. #
- 11:57 Raw spinach and mashed potatoes may be the most consistent food combination that I consume at dining halls. They are delicious together! #
- 13:39 Orson Scott Card is a Mormon?? That explains EVERYTHING I've EVER wondered about Xenocide. #
- 13:53 Tracy Hickman too! Also Tracy is a dude. So many discoveries! #
- 15:44 Needed a nap and failed to actually sleep b/c my feet are too warm. I hate when my extremities break away from their dependably frigid state #
- 19:43 Hangin at the Shrivedog, eating ravioli for possibly the third time this week. #
- 19:49 The marzipan pears now seem to be made out of dense, badly rendered marshmallows. Curse you, Miami! #
- 21:09 Can't stop reading Transmetropolitan. #
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