Dec 05, 2008 16:56


I want to go to NAU so bad.

They are the best place ever:

1. Their graduates get JOBS.
2. They end at a Masters without making Ph.D. inaccessible (some CRM stuff does this apparently?)
2.5 They end at a Masters which means all of their resources and attention would go to people like meeee
3. Almost every nonresident gets an out of state tuition waiver
4. about half of the students get assistantships, i think
5. They focus on practical skills as well as theory, making it possible to (see #1)
6. When I emailed with a question, I got a response from a person who wasn't on/going to be on academic haitus, I got a phone number to call (I just did this), and I got a DVD of what has happened to alumni sent in the mail.
7. Applied archaeology students go on a river trip together???!
8. Flagstaff is pretty cool.

It is seriously like everything I have ever wanted. I feel kind of dumb for applying to so many places now. But you never know. Apparently about 15 of 60-100 people are let in each year, but I am a pretty great student on paper and its not as bad of odds as I face as U of A. Just...oh man. I want this school.

*needs it to be like three months from now*

existence, school, anticipation

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