Mar 28, 2008 11:27
so, lots of stuff has been happening. mostly issues with my internship stuff. mostly: the field museum keeps not ever ever contacting me. then my supervisor lady will call them and they'll say everyone is interested and then they still never ever contact me. and I'll ask, Should I try to talk to them? Should I sen them more information? And she's like No, I'll handle it. They'll talk to you soon. Which has yet to occur. My time is running out, here. I'm supposed to start interning somewhere in a month and a half. It is not cool. At least City Farm finally filled my volunteering requirement by actually responding to my contact and setting up concrete stuff, unlike the other places I tried. So I guess I'll be a part-time farmer in the middle of Chicago this summer! I think that's pretty great.
spring break was pretty groovy. I'm sort of sick of talking about it really. Illinois had foot-high pies and chicken and dumplins with automatic eight different sides (omg!). St. Louis had the city museum (complete with marshmallow-roasting!) and a freshly dead and disemboweled pigeon who had recently eaten some corn. apparently scott actually saw the hawk drop it on the street; I was too busy freaking out about how badly I'd navigated St. Louis. Tennessee had wine and cheese (which i couldn't actually eat much of because for my health i need to stop eating so much dairy) and lazy friends at ETSU who don't even know what's in their fridge and have to be forced to buy groceries for a meal instead of eating out for the bajillionth time. VA Tech's Brian Wheeler, complements of, was a very interesting person and i had an unusually long, deep conversation with him about all kind of important stuff. Virginia also had semis who don't have enough mirrors apparently and have a tendency to pass other vehicles when someone is passing them, leading to someone (us) with a scraped up car sitting on a grass median while an oblivious truck driver disappears over the horizon. Scott's relatives were very generous and gave us lots of food and transportation and stuff during our stay in DC. DC was the Hirshhorn museum of contemporary art, the zoo where I was unreasonably sad, and the Spy Museum, which is not worth the money but cheered me up somehow. Also, we saw Colbert's portrait in the Smithsonian Portrait Gallery because it was right across the street. We didn't stop at NYC due to brokenish car, also the traffic there and all through connecticut was horrible (WTF, Connecticut?). Boston was pretty great. The hotel was cheap and nice - a converted victorian place with a kitchen where you could cook your own food! (we made....ramen). We wandered around Harvard where crazy students were all shouting at people and waving banners to get them to sign up to live in their respective dorms. Also, the amazingly huge science building, complete with museum of odd scientific instruments, was neat. Went to a comic book store, where I found that my taste for the likes of JTHM pretty much stops at Vasquez's stuff. Other people doing similar things featuring animals or whatever? Not at all intriguing for some reason. I take this as a sort of good sign. We got disaster haircuts - though mine looks pretty good now that it's not blowdried and parted all emo-like. Had some great vietnamese food somewhere. Got a cold on the drive back to Cleveland and have been ill ever since. Easter with my family was good.
Now, obviously, I am back, planning our next semester and playing steel band like every day. I am excited for cutting down my hours in work and school, and substituting my last WCP junior sem class will help with this a lot. Although, I'm still probably going to end up with 17 hours, because I want to take geology lab and maybe a sprint ceramics course, but it won't be as many hours in class - just hours writing and researching for the big motherfucking paper I have to write and applying to grad school - which, as I learned a couple weeks ago, is apparently going to suck up my entire life for the next couple years and will be hell to get funding for. GREAT.
Steel band is coming up. And by that I mean we've got nine concerts over the next couple of weeks, including tonight, tomorrow, and monday. Andy Narell, who is a superimportant dude, is teaching us how to play his music better, which is an interesting experience. Later we get to go on a tour! But overall, this is not going to be conducive toward getting my final projects underway, which I've only got about a month to complete. I bought some really dorky khaki pants from the men's section of walmart a few days ago because I need some for the concerts and I don't have any except for something too tight with zippers on the knees, which is painful. It'll go well with my dorky steel band pink oversized polo shirt. HOT.
Been having some strange dreams lately. Not that that's unusual in any way. Recently, there was one where a witch's soul was screaming from under the floor of a dead-end hallway and I was like "I think i should not be here when they come to check if she's dead." Also there were five people impersonating some important people or gods or something, and then the real ones showed up and they were kind of pissed. They also looked different than everyone expected. One was a very short old lady, possibly a midget, with a red dress on. She was scowling at her impostor, whoc got the red dress right but almost nothing else. Also there was something about a bus stop in a tourist plaza that I had to make, but kept missing due to forgetfulness of where I was. I think. Last night, I dreamed about a crazy new year's party, but I mostly forget a lot of it except for being confused about whether brittany and bryan had split up over the course of the party and him complaining about making pancakes for her at our house and not getting credit, and an ambulance going in one direction and men on horseback with frisky dogs in victorian costumes running up and down the street, and foggy smoke coming out of two small holes in the next-door garage, apparently from party favors.
I'm done with this. Hope you appreciate this rare update.
culinary exploits