(no subject)

Apr 21, 2011 01:04

I'm so excited about the party I'm having tomorrow night. It's the first time any of my friends have seen the place. I invited a bunch of people from work so it will also be the first time I hang out with most of them outside of work. For most of my friends it'll be the first time they meet my boyfriend, too.

I made a pink sangria punch with Chardonnay peaches, pineapple, mango, Strawberries and sparkling pink lemonade. I had a glass tonight and it's damn tasty. I hope everyone comes.

This morning when I woke up I saw a tiny little baby mouse in my living room. The whole day I prayed that instead of killing it Cora learned to love it and became friends. Not the case. When I came home I was greeted by the little baby and it's mother massacred on my living room floor. Yeah, cause mouse blood is really what was missing in here.

So that paired with robs grandpa coming to get his mail and cracking his head open on the stairs, and his cat dying I'm starting to believe this place is cursed. But still, it's my cursed apartment so im willing to deal with it.

Friday is my three month anniversary with Engin! What's weird is he's pretty much 30 and his longest relationship was just that, three months. Im kinda worried somethings gonna happen but I'm more focused on the present.

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