
Jul 06, 2008 21:13

I'm a girl with little sense and very much sensibility. It doesn't matter where I am, or what I'm doing, or who I'm really searching, waiting, or yearning for; I, Natasha Lauren White, I am happy. My life has consisted of falls and breaks, and I will never say that I will never fall again. I hope to fall, I crave the momentum, and I await the moment that I pick myself up on my own. The two feet that I've been given are constantly put to the test, running toward and away from the answers, that scare me. The answers to the questions I provoke. But what if the pretentious and dangerous steps I take are ultimately the ones that I need to force myself to make? I don't need to be scared of the outcomes, instead be hopeful of the outcomes of my outcomes. Everything is relevant, and nothing is seperated. Everything is connected, and it is all related. Everything you encounter, everything that breathes, functions, lays still, every tiny little thing, promise me to consider it. Take every single step one tiny toe at a time, and give every moment one hundred percent. For it really does deserve your time of day. After all, all you've really got is time. Minutes, seconds, days, weeks, eternity. Stop searching, stop waiting, stop fighting: what you need is what you've already got, it's inside you. I say, everyone please think about what is amazing in your life and then be silently grateful. And with that, every time you are down and out remember who or what you gave your thanks to, and who or what has a part of your heart. And I promise you'll be okay. I like to believe that when I'm scared all I need to do is close my eyes and all my fears will go away. I would like to believe that we can all just remove our masks when necessary. I would like to grow down, and forget growing up too fast.
As I wait for my death to approach me, it occurs to me that when people wanted answers, they listened. And when there was no one else to turn to, they turned around to me. And when there were no other hands to hold, well, my hands are always free.

natasha and i always work well together. we had a journal we both wrote our poems and thoughts to each other in. and i took a lot of her poems and made them into one, this.
so these are natasha's words, combined by me to make, what i feel, is very natasha like.
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