I'm selling my car. I cleaned it out the other day, and in addition to tons and tons of trash and bullshit, I pulled out some kinda fun stuff.
I don't even have a tape deck. There's a photo of me from the end of my senior year of high school, I don't have any clue where that knife came from, and those heels are fucking rad. I do love the stolen sign warning about stealing signs. It seams like a "No, John" but I stole it myself. Woooot. I also have no clue where half a frying pan came from. Not pictured: hella condoms (not used ones. That would by nasty)
I have no idea where these came from, who did them, or when. I kept them though. The best Norms is on The Moon, obvs.
Acid horse and perfect sand dollars.
Three distinct people at three different times opened In Rainbows in my car, and I stole stickers from everyone. Also, apples are good for you. Hold Steady.
In conclusion, I love my car, and all car related activities. I'm sad to see it go, but having a car in downtown San Fransisco is just silly.
Also the damn thing doesn't like to start anymore. Poor wittle car. :(