Title:What we’ve become
Length:Chapter 9/?
character: Kyuhyun,Kangin, Zhoumi, Hyukjae, Donghae,Victoria f(x),mention tiffany snsd,OC
Rating: PG13(Might change in the next chapter)
Genre:AU, Romance
Disclaimer: I’m their’s but they not mine
Warning: English is not my first language. If you find grammatical errors please be nice with me. There will be an age switch. Yesung and Siwon is in the same age in this fic
Setting: AU -Siwon and Yesung are getting towards the end of their respective high-school days, and have never met prior to this fic.
Summary:The boys met at the party Where Siwon realize that Yesung was A Kim’s, therefore a family enemy. They have to sneak around to see each other, and both boys have to deal with their issues surrounding that, their complicated family lives.
A/N: This fic came up from Romeo and Juliet Tale, But I make my own version of the story, I promise no one will die int his story and I also guarantee this will be a happy ending story
Beta: This fic is beta by my lovely friend ~ IMA~she’s not in LJ
but she nicely beta my fic. My fic without her will be a bunch of crappy sentence
“I love you,” Siwon whispered. “so much.”