
Jan 14, 2013 18:17

I have an almost definite gallery that wants to have my jewellery! It's really local as well, so that saves on travel expenses, lol. I do need to get a couple a bit further afield too though. But yes! She really likes my work. I just need to finalise pricing with her (which will be the same as my website) and then I think it's pretty much a done deal. It'll all be on Sale or Return, so if it doesn't sell, I just get it back from her, which is fine by me really. No-one really loses out that badly since there won't be a massive amount of stock in question I reckon.

It's going to be interesting to see how well it goes there... All the other silver that she has in stock already is quite a bit cheaper than mine, so I have no idea how those makers are getting any profit from their sales :/ the commission is nearly 50% so they are getting hardly anything! Bit mad if you ask me. Have some confidence in your work and price it up! Low prices just make people think it might just fall apart in five mins of wearing it. Mind you the designs are a bit 'seen it before'.

Oops I'm getting a bit critical for a newbie to the business... :S OH WELL. My stuff is awesome, so there!!

Hope you are all good!


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