One Down...

Feb 12, 2008 12:03

I finished D's new Tournament shield last week and i'm very happy with the results. I think this one is s step up from the tournament shields i've painted in past.


D drew up the pose that he wanted for the two main figures, and i designed the drapery and background by sourcing references from period originals. For this sheild I referenced the Seilern Entombment Tripych, by the Master of Flemalle, painted between 1410 and 1420.



I love using gold backgrounds, which is a prominant feature of gothic painting. I Liked the foliage in this painting, and the charubs so i thought it would be good to source from. Obviously my painting skills arent up to par with that of the Flemish masters, but i like what i've done. I do wish my drapery was better though.

The border design was referenced from the frountpiece manuscript illumination of the Chroniques de Hainaut, assumed to be written between 1448 and 1452. The pairs of firesteals were a nice way of encorperating the household badge in a way that i hadn't used before.


So that's one down, 3 to go :P Woot!
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