Good day!
So as usual i'm very slack with my posting regime. Maybe i should try making a schedule, but then you'd only get boring things on a regular basis, rather than a months load of good stuff. So today I looked at a bus timetable...
Anywho Life's been good recently, although busy, but when do i not say that.:P
It's coming up on the very tip of the tail end of the university year, and that means all my assessments are due. And some of them, like drawing and photography havent been marked at all in prior to this. Luckily we've been doing all the work gradually so theres no end rushing to get it all done, but we were supposed to get a progress report on our photography work, but we didnt, we just had a quick chat, and mine was simply, "I dont know what to tell you, you're fine." which is awesome, but not too helpful in terms of improving my folio.
Over the weekend I ran my first SCA event. It was The Baroness' Championship tournament and with that i decided to run a second tournament on the day, the Round Table Tournament, and i was going to have a small garden ball, but not many people there danced and it was rainy so it didnt happen. I made this flier for it...
So anywho it went really well. The reason for the 2 tournaments is that i'd been to other baroness' championships where people would fight the tournament, but not want to be considered for the title, and ask to be excused from consideration, and i didnt like this at all. It ruins the whole perion ambiance of things to have people who are only playing for biff, while others are working hard to be courtious and dashing on the field. So running two tournaments supplied a non title tournament for everyone, and left the championship free for thouse wishing to serve the Baaroness, and the feel of the whole day was so thrilling. The Round Table tournament is a period format in which each combatant takes on the persona of an Arthurian knight. I thought that would be something really fun, and so much different from anything else we've had. But the whole thing is dependant on people playing the parts, and i wasnt sure how well that would go, so i ran it as each character had a points advantage or disadvantage depending on their character's virtues, and ofcourse everyone draws their characters at random by drawing the characters devices that i had painted, which they then wore on the field. But i was amasingly surprised to find that everyone got into the spirit of things and acted beautifully! And we even had a small number of non-heavy related spectators on the day! We havent been getting many spectators at all for tournaments throughout the year. But I was exhilerated to hear that they all loved it aswell and I was asked by many to run it again next year. But next time i'm going to go bigger and bring our even more pagentry! *evil plans being made* :) As a prize for the winner i painted a recreation of a 15th century script (which i painted on canvas) of an exert from one of the tails of Sir Bors, where he is riding his horse leading a damsel that he had just saved.
There was also a wonderful feast put on in the evening. I have to say it was the most fun filled feast i've ever been to. David and I even did abit of mime acting to the baroness reciting the tale of Gawain and the Green Knight. David was Gawain, and i was the Lady of the Castle who
wanted a piece of Gawain. lol It was all very fun. And on the night i recieved a baronial award, the Silver Fret, which is an award
for grace and courtesy. So i've been feeling very loved as of late.
I'm exited because today i plan to buy the new Avenged Sevenfold album! Its crazy and very different. You may all not like them
if you've heard them, theyre metal, twards hardcore, but i love them!
Anywho i should be off, I'm meeting with our senechal who has been helping a group of film students by starring in a little
documentary on life in the SCA, and today they want to do an indoor best of 3 fight in the lighting studio and i volunteered to
act as the opponent. :) So i need to meet with a big bus-like chariot to bring me to my destination! Hoorah!