So, I really don't understand where all this hate for the new Doctor Who series is coming from. New cast, new head-writer, no more RTD. Is this just a particularly virulent case of
they changed it now it sucks, or are people really that sad? Here are some gripes I've read in various places (paraphrased for brevity)
1)Matt Smith's not my doctor
I was guilty of this myself (mainly cause I was wanting Paterson Joseph in the roles), but Matt Smith's really not bad. He's got that whimsical, absent-minded professor bit about him, which we haven't seen yet in the modern series.
2) The writing staff isn't subtle enough, good enough, etc.
Really? 'Cause I don't remember RTD being very subtle about things. In fact, he was rather fond of whiz-bang-explodey-over-the-top episodes and emotional wringers. It's not like everything under the previous administration was high art and grand cinema.
3) Plot holes!
And by plot holes you really mean "everything wasn't spelled out for me and left in a nice neat little package." Sometimes in life you don't get all the answers. The universe is a mysterious place full of unknowns and things we can never know. That's kinda the point of the show.
4)They resurrected the Daleks and then changed their design
Did you really expect the Daleks to stay dead? The Doctor has dealt with them on dozens of occasions and has "defeated them once and for all" at least twice that I remember. They're like the Joker to Batman or Lex Luthor to Superman. They're the quintessential Doctor Who villain - right up there with The Master - and RTD decided that he was going to get rid of both parties at the end of his run. 'Cause you know, no one else would want to play with those toys when you're done with 'em RTD.
And complaining that they changed the design of the Dalek battle armor? They made the back bit a little boxier. They changed the design of the battle armor. For the love of Mike, Peter, and the ascended angels, get a grip.
Then again, I'm sitting here writing out a rant against idiots who don't remember that Doctor Who is a kids show. Who am I to judge?