Clearly Mom should have kept the receipt for these lungs, cause they need to be exchanged for a pair that aren't defective! Oh, who am I kidding? I probably voided the warrantee in there somewhere. At least I can be one of those rambly old people who goes on about minor ailments.
Remember how I
went home sick a couple of weeks ago. Well, I'm still coughing. Which, given I wasn't feeling well that whole week, puts me at three weeks of this. It's not horribly incapacitating, but it's also not getting any better.
My health plan has a free nurseline, so I tried the IM interface yesterday, on account of not wanting the whole office to listen to me describe my symptoms, thankyouverymuch. It turns out all the "real live nurse" on the chat can only (a) give general informational links (yes, I know what a cough is!) and (b) tell you to call the toll-free number to talk to a real live nurse. So I waited until the nearest cubicle inhabitants went home and called the nice lady at the line, who ran me down a whole huge list of alarming symptoms I don't have (no shortness of breath, no vomiting, no strange brown sputum, no blackouts where you wake up over a dead body wondering how it got there, etc.) but agreed that three weeks of a cough is a bit much and I should see an actual in-person doctor.
So I made an appointment and nipped over to see the nice doc over lunch. He also agreed three weeks of a cough is a bit much, did the stethoscope-on-the-back thing and told me I have goop in the lower lungs. He gave me a scrip for an anti-biotic, and said if it's not better after that to come back and he'll send me out for x-rays.
So, in summation, *Hack!* *cough*.