I'm going home soon!

Oct 08, 2007 22:03

Val just told me that it will be 40 days before she goes home.. which is technically the number of days before I'm going home too! I'm both excited yet apprehensive at that thought. Meeting old friends and seeing my family will be great. Don't be mistaken. I'm not daunted by the idea of going home. I'm just afraid of breaking away from the routine that I have become so accustomed too. I'm not a great fan of change. And the idea of change definitely doesn't excite me too much. Guess I have become so used to the freedom and lack of parental control over here. Again don't be mistaken. Its not that I have become wild or anything , just that sometimes not having to account for everything you do is quite fun.

Exams are coming soon. Exams that used to be very part of my life. But now I have lost touch. Lost touch because for once I'm not sure of whats going to happen. I'm not even sure of the format of the exams for some papers do not even have trusty past year papers for me to rely on.  But there are definitely going to be some practice papers for me to do. Thank goodness. I've grown to rely heavily on 10 year series for a large part of my education. I most certainly can't do without them now!

Going to Taiwan with some friends from 10th to 17th of December! Quite excited about it . Though I wonder whether at the end of the trip we will still be friends with each other. Guess it will have to depend on the organisation of places to go . Otherwise we might start having internal conflicts and complain about each other if problems arise. Can anyone give me some suggestions on where we might be able to go in Taipei?

Shall talk about my week in review.Highlights basically

Friday: Went to watch hairspray with a few friends. It was quite good in my opinion. The singing was good. Story a little too cheesy. But overall entertaining. Though I got kinda bored when they kept on singing. But what can you expect from a musical kinda show! After that when we wanted to go home we realised we had missed the last bus. So yisze called ivan to ask him whether he could fetch us. Ha thankfully he did . The knight in shinning armor delivered once again( just to clarify the knight refers to the car). Later that night we went to Nat's house to hang out. Poor nat was falling asleep but yet she still had to put up with our presence all the way till 3am when she finally chased us out .

Stayed over at Lawrence's house this sat. The guys got the bed coz they were going to run 10km the at the melbourne marathon the next morning. While we girls got the floor in the living room. So Ivan and Lawrence slept while Yisze, Nat, Rothman and I chatted the night away.

Can't remember what I did the rest of the week. Oh wellz. Prolly didn't do much thats why. So no more to say!
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