(no subject)

Jan 05, 2006 12:56

im here once again im on the comp doing nothing. i HATE my parents they suck donkey balls. i allegdly dont care about anything thats perfectly fine. i have no future THANKS ALOT youve made me stop doing EVERYTHING ive ever loved to do. screaming at me for no apparent reason while im just eating myself to death now cause thats my new "THING". i DONT know how to cope with stress, depression and many other things ESPECIALLY my emotions. i can really care less about what other people say BUT my parents commments HURT LIKE HELL the fact i was telling the truth yesterday and was called a liar hurt me more than anything any stranger couldve done to me. but my mom says im "rebelling" NO IM NOT. im telling you my opinion which by the way doesnt matter to her or my dad. but thats one of the many things you HAVE to get used to while living in this house. today my parent went to the school and got MY grades they look HORRIBLE. i dont care anymore ive tried hard enough i want to drop out cause i cant all this pressure. but then again i DONT know what i want to do anymore. i dont think ive ever known. my dreams get crushed everyday more and more. HOPE IS NOW GONE for me. i want to die but then again id be leaving the love of my life who has made me stop so many bad things i had been doing to myself(whoever doesnt know what im talking about TOO BAD! nobody cares anyways) and i would HATE to do that. and shady omfg i dont know what the fuck is wrong with her. she asks one way with her friends and then a completly DIFFRENT way with me she treats me like shit throws things at me ignores me or answers me bad but when she needs money or anything im the FIRST person she comes to and i give it to her. im NOT saying im a good sisiter but damn i dont treat her that bad i get mad easliy YES but it goes away as fast it came. i CANT STAY MAD FOR LONG. but w.e. i dont care im tired of things i QUIT. i stopped arguing with my mom for her to have me with tears everyday cause im NOT to defend myself and then people think shes the nicest person ever.and then i have to deal with other peoples problems and NONE of them ever stop to listen to mines im NOT important!! and hers a pic of HAPPIER times:

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