your porn star name (name of your first pet + the street you grew up on):
Smokey Columbus
your movie star name (name of your favourite snack food + your grandfather's first name):
Fritos Herbert
your fashion designer name (first word you see on your left + your favourite restaurant):
Voodoo Pigalle
socialite alias (your silliest childhood nickname + town where you were born):
Klee New York
"fly guy" alias (first initial + first two or three letters of your last name):
K. Imb
icon alias (something sweet within sight + any liquid in the kitchen):
Bubblegum Water
detective alias (your favourite baby animal + where you went to high school):
Koala Stamford
barfly alias (last snack food you ate + your favourite drink):
Donut Smirnoff
soap opera alias (your middle name + the street where you first lived):
Leng Kimberly
I stole this from: