ah know it may sound silly but ah'm hungry and snowed in. mind you, in st louis, snowed in means light snow flurries and OMG everyone hurry to the store to buy two weeks worth of groceries to survive this 'storm'. it means saying "highway farty" instead of "highway forty" [ah'm not guilty of this one, thankfully]. it means saying "warsh" instead of "wash" [ah'm definitely guilty of this]. and it means food. ah'm hungry, mmmkay?
st louis style pizza ah kinda have to be in the mood for. mah daughter lurves it tho. the paper thin crust kinda irks me but ah like it sometimes. the cheese is only available in st louis and ah like it enough.
toasted ravioli is another st louis dish. that's right, breaded and deep-fried ravioli. yeah, kinda have to be in the mood for this one too. mah arteries clog just thinking about it.
ok, not really a big fan of gooey butter cake but it's ok. the name kinda says it all. no wonder st louis is so unhealthy.
st louis style barbecue? pork steaks. when the weather is decent [and sometimes when it's not] people, businesses and organisations barbecue frequently. we really love our barbecue. and pork steaks [that's so redneck, innit?]. ah prefer sweet bbq sauce tho.
mmmmm pink
vess cream soda and ah don't even like vanilla! btw, if you're in st louis and ask for "pop" instead of "soda", you'll just get blank stares.
every loves ted drewes concretes. mega busy place. be prepared to queue for a while.
so what food is unique to where you live? ah'd really to hear about it.