Jun 20, 2006 09:47
Hillel Goelman, Sheila K. Marshall & Sally Ross (eds.) Multiple lenses, multiple images: perspectives on the child across time, space, and disciplines.
Multiple lenses, Multiple images: An introduction
Use three lenses:
discipline--theoretical frameworks, ontologies, epistemologies, methodologies
time--a) chronological time in lifespan, growth, development (tensions in and across disciplines re 'age appropriate' norms, behaviours, expectations for ages and stages p.5); b) historical time
space--Bronfenbrenner, basically: family spaces, institutional spaces, cultural spaces, political spaces: determinants of health, sources of socialization; cultural spaces appear as representations in law, lit, tv, other media--adult voices characterizing children
notion of 'lens' limited -- too mechanistic, doesn't capture reflection and representation. studying both the lens and the phenomenon
book: first three chapters, representations of childhood and children's experience by adults: history, law, literature.
next chapters: children growing in spaces constructed
cultural framing of child development
Hwang, C. Philip, Lamb, Michael E. & Sigel, Irving E. (Eds.) (1996). Images of childhood. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Kuczynski, L., Harach, L., & Bernardini, S.C. (1999). Psychology's child meets sociology's child: Agency, influence and power in parent-child relationships. In C.L. Shehan (Ed), Through the eyes of the child: Revisioning children as active agents of family life (pp. 21-52). Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
Chapter 1: Childhood, history, and the sciences of childhood. Adriana S. Benzaquen.
scientific conception of childhood--children *develop* through *stages* that can be mapped, and must have *needs* of each stage met to avoid negative *long term effects*. Child Study, psychoanalysis. Theories try to flesh out each of these deep assumptions about childhood, but the assumptions rarely questioned. Children constructed as abnormal/pathological in relation to (adult) human standard. adult-child relationships only sanctioned between blood relatives or via adult expertise. Knowledge thru authority of scientific method.
child of adult imagination--prelapsarian vision of innocence, purity, unity with nature p.16; the adult self as product of personal history (encapsulates child). concept that childhood explains the adult in the present. Knowledge through authority of experience.
from notions of educability, normality and development: 1. education connected to health: normal development means ability to be educated; failure in school means abnormality and requires correction. 2. children's education must be based on knowledge about children
child becoming object of scientific concern: 18th century