Россия ушла с молотка...

Sep 15, 2010 17:44

Russia has been auctioned off at Ebay. The winning bid was $10. Read more at the link below.

Господа, на аукционе Ebay была выставлена на продажу Россия.
Торги прошли вяло - Россию оценили в 10 долларов.

via nasha_canada

Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.

Putin/Stalin ass-kissing Russian imperialists Real Russian patriots so often say that I am selling my motherland Russia that I decided actually to do it. This is an excellent offer for any NATO member, American or Jew! (American Jew will be a perfect combination)
However, Russian patriots still have a chance to outbargain them!
So these are the details:
Item name: Russia
Color: Red. Till now.
Size: 17075400 square kilometers
Weight: Far less than it thinks
Main field of use: Trouble-making
Features: Very effective in extermination of its own people (up to several tens of millions per semi-century). Very rigid. Freedom-proof. Corruption-friendly. Mud included. Can also be used as a big freezer.
Condition: Very bad. And worsening.
Shipping method: Self-pickup (You will receive confirmation letter by e-mail)
Warranty and refund: No

(Sorry for those who could not buy it at the first time. eBay removed this listing, referring to their rule that prohibits hatred to race, religion or sexual orientation. I've asked if Russian chauvinists/Stalinists/Putinists are a race, a religion or a sexual orientation. They didn't give me a direct answer, but wrote that I may sell Russia again. So do I, adding also the Q&A which were lost when the item was removed:

Q: Do you have any extra items like that for sale? I would like to buy a few for the present to each one of my Jew family members. They had it before, but they sold it for chip.
Thanks,Mark  - mhasman8

A: Sorry, there is only one Russia in store. I am afraid two or more would be too much for this planet. You may try to buy other parts of ex-USSR, but you should contact their regional dealers.

Q: Me again. What is the delivery method? Could it be shipped worldwide, or for local pickup only? Also, could the item be customized with all type of politic establishment cleanup? Thanks, Mark

A: Sorry, but Russia is a bit oversized for standard delivery methods, so you'll have to pick it up by yourself and deliver wherever you want. And, if I could clean it from all type of politic establishment, I maybe wouldn't sell it, or at least the price would be higher.

Q:Hi!I'm khokhol. Can I get Chernomorsky Fleet? Do You sell it with the Motherussia or it goes separately? - lalartuundead

A: You may take it. It is a bit rusty, however.

Q: Are you selling this item for parts or as a project to be rebuilt?Does the ignition work well? Are there any oil leaks?Also there were lot's of forest fires. It's not honest that you haven't mentioned that! - daieee

A: I'm honest, see the "condition" section. Russia DOES have oil leaks, but it is considered not a bug, but one of its main features! Disassembling Russia into parts is undocumented, try it at your own risk, but it may be really dangerous - ask Chechens, they have some experience.

Disclaimer: I'm sure you understand this, but to avoid formal demands: this is a satirical listing. You will receive a confirmation letter, but not any actual property in Russia.

Other item info
Item number: 250693053786
Item location: Eurasia, Russian Federation
Ships to: Worldwide
Payments: PayPal See payment details

Question & Answer

Q: Can I deport Mr. Putin, when I buy this country? Sep-06-10
A: By selling Russia, I certainly sell Putin as well. Do what you want with him, for example, he may become a good scarecrow for your garden. However, I do not recommend you to deport him in the outer world, as you may be fined for pollution.

Q: Do you want to exchange it with additional charge for Ukraine? P.S. - Ukrainian government you may take as a free bonus. Sep-06-10
A: Sorry, no. As far as I know, Ukraine if Yanukovich-infested.

Q: Excause me, can You cut this land from western border to Urals, and leave us alone? Thanks, Anton, Vladivostok Sep-06-10
A: Please read carefully the previous answers. Taking Russia to pieces is a promising idea, but I don't know how to do it. Buy it and try yourself at your own risk.

shopping, :-), russia

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